# ReVanced CLI Initialize Guide (Linux)

In this guide, we are going to use ReVanced CLI on Linux to patch instead of manager. This guide mainly centers around debian-based distros, but you can adapt them to fit arch-based ones. Also, If you are using Linux, we expect you know how to use Google and the command line interface, such as quoting/escaping parameters and using tab to auto-complete.

# 1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

We can use JDK version 11, 17 or 20. Change the number to install different versions.

Install openjdk 17
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk

# 2. Get ReVanced related files


  1. Get the following required files
  2. Put all of the files in a directory. Lets call it revanced for now.

# 3. Get the APK you wanted to patch

  1. If you want YouTube APK, get the YouTube apk link at step by step guide
  2. If you want other APKs, find the supported version at versions.md
  3. Put the APK you downloaded in the same directory with the 3 files you downloaded just now.
  4. Rename the APK to a shorter name, preferably without spaces and special symbols

# 4. Sanity checks

  1. Go to the revanced directory you made just now
  2. Open a terminal if you haven't already
  3. Run ls, you should see the 4 files you downloaded just now
  4. Run java -version. The version of JDK you installed in Part 1 should appear
  5. Don't close the terminal, continue to the next section

# 5. Continue

This section has been completed. Go back to the main cli guide.