# ReVanced CLI patch guide

# 1. Initialize/update environment

For Windows users, visit ReVanced CLI Initialize Guide (Windows).

For Linux users, visit ReVanced CLI Initialize Guide (Linux).

# 2. Start patching

Run the following commands, replacing the placeholder filenames with the actual filename.

java -jar cli.jar \
  patch -b patches.jar \
  -m integrations.apk \
  -o out.apk input.apk
placeholder meaning example
cli.jar revanced-cli jar file revanced-cli-2.22.0-all.jar
input.apk the apk you want to patch youtube.apk
patches.jar revanced patches bundles revanced-patches-2.187.0.jar
integration.apk revanced integrations revanced-integrations-0.115.1.apk
out.apk the filename of the patched apk patched.apk


java -jar revanced-cli-3.1.0-all.jar \
  patch -b revanced-patches-2.190.0.jar \
  -m revanced-integrations-0.117.1.apk \
  -o out.apk youtube.apk

# 3. Installing Patched apk

  1. Copy the patched APK file to your phone
  2. Install the APK you just transferred
  3. Read the troubleshooting section if you have further issues

# 4. Update ReVanced

  1. Delete the old cli.jar, patches.jar, integration.jar, out.apk, input.apk
  2. Repeat from section 1

# 5. Advanced uses

Read the help page for revanced-cli
java -jar cli.jar -h
Read the help page for each sub-commands (example: patch sub-command)
java -jar cli.jar patch
Specify keystore file and password
java -jar cli.jar patch \
  --keystore='exported.keystore' --keystore-password='passwordOfKeystore' \
  --alias='alias' --keystore-entry-password='passwordOfKeystoreEntry' \
  -b patches.jar ...
List patches available (with [o]ptions, [p]ackages and [v]ersions compatible)
java -jar cli.jar list-patches -opv patches.jar
Include / Exclude patches
java -jar cli.jar patch -e 'Exclude patch 1' -e 'Exclude patch 2' -i 'Include patch 1' -i 'Include patch 2' ...
Generate Options file
# This will overwrite the existing file
# Use -u instead of -o if you want to update existing file
java -jar cli.jar options -o patches.jar
Use Options file
# You need to generate options file first
java -jar cli.jar patch --options=path-to-options-file ...

# 6. Options file

Some settings for patches has to be configured via the option file. Don't change them unless you know what you are doing. Don't modify more things than you need to.

Patch Key Default value Type Example
Change package name packageName null pkgName "app.revanced.android.youtubealt"
Custom branding appName "YouTube ReVanced" string "new app name"
Custom branding iconPath null path "C:\\Users\\test\\Downloads\\res\\" 1
Spoof client client-id null string "abcdef" 2 3
Spotify theme backgroundColor "@android:color/black" string "@android:color/black" 4 5
Spotify theme accentColor "#ff1ed760" AARRGGBB color code "#ff1ed761"
Spotify theme accentPressedColor "#ff169c46" AARRGGBB color code "#ff169c47"
Theme darkThemeBackgroundColor "@android:color/black" string "@android:color/holo_blue_dark" 4 5
Theme lightThemeBackgroundColor "@android:color/white" string "@android:color/holo_purple" 4 5

  1. Detailed instructions can be found here

  2. Don't change this option unless absolutely necessary

  3. This option is used when patching many apps, including (but not limited to) reddit, youtube and spotify

  4. Color values can be found here, make sure you have a higher API level than when the color was added

  5. You can also use colors at revanced-cache/res/values/colors.xml 6, reference them by "@color/color_name"

  6. You can also edit that file after revanced deleted the cache to include custom colors